Group Lessons ATM

ATM stands for "Awareness Through Movement". In ATM lessons, you are instructed in movement sequences by words. The focus is not on practising these movements in the sense of training, but on gaining more conscious awareness of how we do something.
You learn mindfulness in movement - the differentiated self-awareness you learn helps you to achieve greater physical, mental and emotional flexibility in equal measure.


Feldenkrais group lessons foster the ability to move more easily and powerfully as well as the opportunity to find alternatives to habitual patterns of thought and action or to achieve more mental clarity and calmness.

Researching openly with your own movement is based on the way we learnt new things as babies and children and opens up the field for a curious approach to yourself. It is quite possible that you will discover unexpected possibilities and abilities within yourself and that your idea of "who" you are will change and expand.

The range of these diverse lessons extends from very basic movement sequences and human functions such as grasping, rolling, turning, sitting up and standing to the specialised use of the hands, eyes or the differentiation of our toes. 

Most lessons take place lying or sitting on a thin mat on the floor and usually last an hour.
Participants of all ages and regardless of personal and professional background are welcome.

MONDAY 19:00 – 20:00

Together with fellow practitioners from feldenkrais_dk we are hosting weekly Feldenkrais «Awareness Through Movement» lessons at Astanga Yoga Studio.

Every Monday from 19:00 - 20:00, it's drop in and everyone is welcome. No prior registration or prior experience needed. To read the latest updates on instagram:

click here


An online series of group lessons will be starting soon. Click the green button to sign up for more information.

On request, I offer workshops for exclusive groups and advanced training for musicians, music teachers, sports teams and more.

sign up

* The supplementary insurance policies of most Swiss health insurance companies cover up to 75% of the costs for group lessons as part of alternative/complementary medicine.
